2018 was our 20th year as a Corvette Car Club
We celebrated that milestone on September 16, 2018

The Blue Victorian Winery, the site of our celebration

Linda and Steve

Karen and Gerhard

Lynn, Hannelore, Bob and Lynene

Jay and Alan

Chris, Ray and Les

Steve and Pat

Ken and Gary

Linda, Steve, Don and Lynn

Linda, Al and JoRene'

Patricia, Barry, Gary, Hector, Cindy and Dan

Kim, Ed, Joan and Linda

Kim, Ed, Joan and Linda

Gary, Gerhard, Steve, Don, Karen, Avery and Ken

Ken and JoRene'

Pat and Kim

Chris and Jenny

Lynene and Avery

Marci, JoRene', Pat and Ed

Barry, Cindy, Joan, Kim and Linda

Ed, Angela, Linda, Hannelore, Steve, Gerhard, Alan, Cindy and Barry are enjoying an extensive photo slideshow of the Club's activities over the years

Steve, Gerhard, Alan, Angela, Avery, Ken and Marci

Lynene, Ed, Pat and Steve

Rich, Linda, Al, Patricia and Hector

Don, Lynn, Gary, Ken, Marci, Ray and Chris

Ken, Marci, Ray, Chris, Don, Lynn and Gary

Gary, Angela, Jason, Michael, Linda and Steve

Gary, Angela, Jason, Michael, Linda, Steve, Hannelore and Bob

Jay, Lynene, Chris, Alan, Gerhard and Karen

Dan, Joan, Les and Pat

Time For Lunch

Our Musical Entertainment

Time For Anniversary Cake

Jay was given the first piece of cake

The Celebration is almost complete

Which car was voted as the Best of the Show?

The votes are tallied by Bob and JoRene'

Hector monitors their count for accuracy

Dan and Linda's 1965 Goldwood Yellow Coupe has been voted the Best of the Show!
However, Dan and Linda left early, so Kim calls them to let them know of their good fortune.

We hope to see you in 2023 at the 25th Anniversary of our Car Club